State Office for Assessment and Monitoring

Regarding long-term care insurance, the State Office for Assessment and Monitoring of the long-term care insurance (Administration d'évaluation et de contrôle AEC) is tasked with the following duties:

  • to issue opinions regarding the existence of a state of dependency, determine dependent persons' care and support requirements, and prepare summaries of the coverage that can be provided;
  • to inform and advise;
  • to check, ascertain and measure the compatibility between the coverage that is actually provided and that which is required;
  • to check the quality of the coverage provided;
  • to report on the quality of care provided to dependent persons;
  • to provide on-demand expert advice to other public services.

The AEC will request information from applicants in order to be able to assess them, either at their home or in the long-term care facility where they reside.

Long-term care insurance is managed by the National Health Fund (Caisse nationale de santé – CNS).

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